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Creating Plugins

Plugins in the Athena Framework are made in a specific way. Meaning, that following this general structure will help you create robust plugins without touching the core of the framework.

It is important that when a plugin is created that is does not adjust the core of the Athena Framework. This ensures that compatibility is future-proof and additional updates to the plugin can be made without over complicating it.

Plugins allow you to change the core code without actually modifying any of the core code.

For the sake of this page imagine my-plugin as the folder you are working out of.

Quick Plugin Template

Create a folder in src/core/plugins called my-plugin

Path should be src/core/plugins/my-plugin

Create 3 folders inside of the my-plugin folder:

  • server
  • client
  • webview

Create an index.ts file inside of these 2 folders:

  • server/index.ts
  • client/index.ts

Inside of server/index.ts put the following:

import * as alt from 'alt-server';
import * as Athena from '@AthenaServer/api';

const PLUGIN_NAME = 'myPlugin';, () => {
    alt.log('Hello from Athena Server!');

Inside of client/index.ts put the following:

import * as alt from 'alt-client';
import * as AthenaClient from '@AthenaClient/api';

alt.log(`Hello from Athena Client!`);

Run the server, and you will see each corresponding message in server, and client side.

That's all that is needed to start building plugins.

Integrating an API

If you want to know how to integrate your own API to distribute it to users of Athena with auto-completion, there is a guide for that.

Check the Guide Out

Special Files

These are files that can be created in a plugin folder to do different things.


Create a file called disable will disable the plugin from loading.


This lets you install additional npm packages for a plugin.

Create the file and put whatever packages you need.

  "dependencies": [
  "devDependencies": [

Special Folders

Now that we have the template out of the way.

Let's talk about the plugin structure more in-depth.

For the sake of this page imagine my-plugin as the folder you are working out of.


This folder is mostly used for the built-in inventory system.

Any icon in here can be used in a BaseItem as long as you specify the correct path.



This folder is used for .ogg sounds only. It only supports the .ogg format, and no other format of audio will work.

This is a restriction of the chromium instance, so don't try.

A custom sound can be played through the following pathway:



All custom vue components can go in here. Create a Vue file, and start coding a new page.

It is highly recommended to use ThisFormatForVueFiles.vue and give them prefixes or suffixes which make sense.

Example: StuykVueCharSelect

Vue File Example
  <div class="container">
    <div class="purple">
      {{ helloWorldText }}, {{ saySomethingElse ? saySomethingElse : '' }}

<script lang="ts" setup>
import { onMounted, ref } from 'vue'
import WebViewEvents from '@utility/webViewEvents';

let helloWorldText = ref('Hello World!');
let saySomethingElse = ref(undefined)

onMounted(() => {
  console.log('Hello in console');
  saySomethingElse.value = 'I have assigned this value later.'

<style scoped>
.purple {
  color: purple;


Assets are pretty much images, media, etc.

They belong to the WebView and are easily accessed.

The should be named in a unique way which means, prefix your files to make them unique.

If you place a file in this folder called stuyk-logo-custom.png the HTML code below will load it.

<img src="/plugins/stuyk-logo-custom.png" />

Created by Stuyk | Est. 2020